Charity Benefits From Royal Dornoch Generosity
A fundraising drive by Royal Dornoch Golf Club captains has provided a £6,000 boost to a leading charity.
The donation to Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland means the club has now handed over almost £75,000 to good causes in the last five years.
Club captains Norma Fleming and Rob Murray jointly chose Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland as the charity they wished to support during their time in office. Norma was particularly keen to help the charity having spent some time in hospital with heart issues in recent years, although is in good health now.
The latest fundraising events were an auction and raffle at the Captains’ Invitational, bringing the total raised for the charity this year to £6,055. It means that in the last five years, the captains’ charity donations have totalled £36,000.
In addition, Royal Dornoch has distributed £10,500 this year from its community fund and a total of £38,500 to local groups since the fund was set up five years ago.
The donation to Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland was handed over to Rhiann MacLeod, the charity’s Assistant Fundraiser based in their North Regional Office in Inverness.
She said: “We are absolutely delighted to receive this fantastic donation from Royal Dornoch Golf Club and their support for the charity is hugely valued. This incredibly generous donation from club members will go directly to help people who have survived life-changing illness and are now seeking to recover their lives back at home in their community.
“Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland believe that everyone has the right to live life to the full. After a diagnosis of a chest or heart condition or a stroke, many people experience fear and isolation and struggle with the impact on their lives.
“Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland won’t stand for that. The care and support we deliver every day ensures everyone can live the life they want to and the wonderful support from Royal Dornoch Golf Club will allow us to continue this mission to ensure that no life is half lived in Scotland.”
Royal Dornoch Golf Club General Manager Neil Hampton said: “We are very much a community club and are delighted to be able to donate money to good causes such as Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland each year.
“We appreciate the work that these organisations do to help people in our area and beyond and this is a way of us saying thank you.”